Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hot Tube Time Machine (2010)

"Hot Tub Time Machine" Review By Paolo Sardinas "Hot Tub Time Machine", yes this really is the title, tells the tale of three men in their 40's who try to re-capture their youth. No, that isn't a joke and yes, that is the main plot of the film. The film features an assortment of crude, raunchy, obnoxious, jokes which are nonetheless funny...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Runaways (2010)

''The Runaways'' ReviewBy Paolo Sardinas Most bio-pics about hard rocking rockers all begin with the person or band that the film is based on, searching for themselves and looking for a way into the music scene. "The Runaways" fallows suit in almost every way possible but does so it a true and visceral way. The film is set in sunny...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Brooklyn's Finest (2010)

'Brooklyn's Finest' ReviewBy Paolo SardinasWithin the first fifteen to twenty minutes you can begin to tell that this film, 'Brooklyn's Finest', is pretty much going nowhere. The opening scene, featuring Vincent D'Onofrio as a washed up drug dealer and Ethan Hawke crooked cop sitting in car. The film's main theme is thrown around,...

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Crazies (2010)

'The Crazies' ReviewBy Paolo Sardinas The Crazies, a modern day re-make of a George A. Romero classic, joins the slew of other horror re-makes released over the last couple of years. But what sets this one apart is its free spirited, yet faithful, atmosphere that creates a thrilling experience. Its not your typical horror re-make, nor...

Box Office Report

Weekly Box Office Report February 28, 2010Shutter Island is once again numero uno at the North American box office. The thriller starring Leonardo DiCaprio grossed $22.2 million. The fourth collaboration between the DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese is proving one of the year's earliest hits. The week's the big releases, Kevin Smith's homage to buddy cop films Cop Out and the...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Ghost Writer (2010)

'The Ghost Writer' Review By Paolo Sardinas It would seem that Polanski is one of, if not the only, director alive who knows perfectly well how to create paranoia on the big screen. His classic films like Repulsion show perfectly well the capabilities of a paranoid person when under extreme situations. After spending most of his young...

Brand New Nightmare on Elm Street trailer

Here is the brand new trailer for the re-make of the horror classic Nightmare on Elm Street. Will it be good? Judge for yourselves below. ...

Shutter Island (2010)

'Shutter Island' Review  By Paolo Sardinas There is a scene early on in Shutter Island, the latest from master filmmaker Martin Scorsese, that pans from side to side and features an entire group of Nazi guards being killed. To call the scene jaw-dropping would be an understatement but to call Martin Scorsese just another filmmaker...

Edge of Darkness (2010)

'Edge of Darkness' Review By Paolo Sardinas It's been seven years since Mel Gibson last acted in a film. Within his seven year hiatus he directed the hugely controversial "The Passion of the Christ" and the thriller centering around the Mayans "Apocalypto". His return to the big screen charts familiar territory; its a revenge thriller....

The Book of Eli (2010)

'The Book of Eli' ReviewBy Paolo Sardinas Lately we have had a huge surge in post-apocalyptic films. Whether its the bleak and deserted feel of John Hillcoat's The Road or the bombastic end of the world drunken on CGI like in 2012. Yes, we have seen our fair share as of late but the latest is a mix of action and religion,...