Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Editors' Letter

Posted on 10:50 PM by Paolo

I wanted to take some time to address the fact of some current changes that have been and will be occurring. First and foremost the sites' design has been obviously changed. The new look is newer, fresher, and will continue to change as I make adjustments to the layout. Also coming soon will be more reviews. More reviews which will broaden things a bit here and will expand more into the DVD/Blu-Ray fields along with TV programs. Some new, recently written reviews will be uploaded first thing in the morning. Also will be more movie and entertainment related stories(trailers, headlines, box office etc). Don't worry this will still be a sit which focuses on reviews but just to incorporate more topics in. The rating system used will as well change. The letter system, frankly, is getting a bit old. So beginning at the end of December I will be introducing a new rating system based off of the 5-star system. 5=A,4=B,3=C, so on and so forth. So thank you for being here and supporting this site. More exciting new posts and features are soon to come so hang tight.

Thank you,
Yours truly


Also if you have a review which you have written feel free to send it to me an I'll post it up on one of the new features which is coming.

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