Friday, September 25, 2009

Surrogates Review

Posted on 5:36 PM by Paolo

by: Paolo Sardinas

Robots. They're something that have entertained us for years, decades and almost an entire century. The belief that we could actually have someone or "something" do all of our work for us has been around for hundreds and thousands of years and it never really quite works out. Most science fiction media is usually revolved around the belief that in the next decade we'll have robotic slaves and flying cars. It's an eternal episode of "The Jetsons". "Surrogates" the latest from Bruce Willis, focuses on that belief and the fact that people aren't happy with themselves.

Set in the year 2017, the story follows Willis stars as FBI agent Agent Greer. A man who, with the help of his own "surrogate" investigates the first murder in years. Of course, like most sci-fi movies, the case gets more and more complicated and eventually leads Greer into having to leave the comforst of his own home for the first times in years. Now for those of you who don't know these "Surrogates" are robots. Controlled by a human, these robots embody the form of their "controller" and basically carry one the persons life. No one leaves their house anymore because there is no reason to. Just send out your robot and everythings fine.

Of course this means the human population is pretty much isolated in their own home. Now this might sound familiar in the sense that just about everyone is confined to their own homes. With prices the way they are and gas being as expensive as can be, people are staying more and more inside their homes. Funny how real life always mimics that of a movie.

Willis of course looking like a scruffy Mr. Clean makes you wonder how and why he has stooped down to this level. Remember the last time he made a truly exceptional film, with the exception "Live Free or Die Hard". No I didn't think so. The actor-as of late- has been getting the roles no one really wants. Sure he adds some pizazz to his movies but it's a real shame their not offering someone with his talent better material. The rest of the cast including Rosamund Pike, his wife, and Radha Mitchell, his partner also deliver some second rate, lackluster performances.

Adapted from the mini comic book series, the movie is somewhat faithful to the original source material, despite the change of date from 2054 to 2017. Director Johnathan Mostow creates another cheesy and boring sci-fi flick which is a throw back to his previous attempt "T3: Rise of the Machines". The same with that film, he uses some good actors but always puts them in plain uninteresting position which does nothing but leave the viewer wondering is its ever going to make sense.

"Surrogates" is a movie which offers us an interesting concept but is executed badly. Although there are some catchy action scenes here and there the film still lacks in its "surprise" department and still offers us nothing new. The same topic which we have seen over and over again. Even though the concept seems more real than every, robots taking our place while we "chill" at home, it's still doesn't make for an interesting time at the movies. Unless it'd done right. But until it's actually real we're just going to have to get our ass up and move. Grade: D

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