Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9 review

Posted on 8:24 PM by Paolo

by: Paolo Sardinas

Between the dwindling economy and shortage of money, everyone is in a pretty fowl mood. So of course you would thing the last thing anyone would want to see are movies about the end of the world. Wrong. It seems that lately flicks like the "Terminator" series, are flourishing. Even later this year, despite all the rumors about the world ending in the year 2012, they're still releasing a movie called, "2012". Yup, you guessed it, its about the end of the world. So of course its only natural that this subject matter would translate into a childrens movie. And thats exactly what "9" is.

"9" centers around the story of a group of rag-dolls, a.k.a the "Stitchpunks", who come out to save the world, after its already ended. Kinda late. Now as dark and familiar as the film's premise is, it still manages to create something that is somewhat original. The story is both dark and lively, it quickly grasps your attention from the beginning and it never really lets go. Even though at times it feels like we've seen this a hundred times before, or even in a younger child's "Bionicle" comic. Based off of a short film, created by Shane Acker, and produced by none other than Tim Burton. Who once again reminds us all of how much he enjoys weird stuff.

Now a place that is sometimes, sadly, overlooked when "dissecting" an animated film, is the acting. "9" features a superb cast lead by the "Hobbit' himself, Elijah Wood. It seems he has a real knack for playing the "chosen one". The supporting cast is absolutely fascinating. Jennifer Connelly, John C Reiley, Cripsin Glover, and Christopher Plummer, all help to bring these very creative and joyous creatures/characters to life. Although not perfect, I might add, you still have to admit they did a job well done. I mean after all they are playing potato sacks. I especially enjoyed Plummer's performance as 1. The older and self proclaimed leader of the "punks", who is both sly and clever, but also slow and quick tempered. An excellent performance by an excellent actor.

But the main thing which always attracts the crowd is, of course, the animation, which in "9" is nothing short of spectacular. Creating a whole new world, which is just covered in ruble, debris, and destruction. Very similar to that of last year's hit, "Wall E". Of course you would need an excellent team of computer artists to bring of bunch voodoo dolls to life and make them feel as real as you and I. The "Creatures", yes that is plural, C-R-E-A-T-U-R-E-S, look absolutely marvelous, frightening, and amazing. Enough to scare any youngling and even some adults. But if you're an adult who got scared by them, than you need to see someone.

Despite the fact that its a cartoon, "9" is nothing less of pure frightening. After all it was slapped with a giant PG-13 rating. This is one animated film you might want to leave the kids at home with. Unlike "Wall E", which tends to sometimes drag a bit on its message of a "cleaner earth", this film doesn't drag. Ever. It's constantly moving at a fast pace. Always entertaining. This might, at times, even give your "young ones" some nightmares, especially those "Creatures".

All in all, "9" is a well made film. Always entertaining and never ends with the creativity. As familiar as the premise is, it still manages to thrill some, while ravishing others. The visuals are amazing and couldn't of been any better. But hey what do you expect? They're all playing a bunch of potato sacks. "9" might be looked down on by critics, but it all comes down to a matter of taste. Per say. Grade: B+

1 Response to "9 review"

LuckyCricket Says....

Hey, nice review and awesome blog! I havent seen the film, but just by reading this I got a good idea of what I would have thought about it. I just started my own movie blog, follow if you like.